After years of promises and handful of scratched projects, I finally want to present you an actual claay map, although, it may not be what you’d expect.
I began to work on it in April 2020 mainly to keep myself entertained for a couple of weeks during those lockdowns but it quickly evolved into a much bigger project. As I was figuring out the theme for the map, I realized that 2020 marks 15 years of my codjumping “career” and this project could be a great way to reflect upon it. After all, that’s mostly what the game has been about for me during the past couple of years – remembering “the good old times” on the old classic maps with many of you whom I’ve known for more than a decade. The nostalgia from this game is really strong and I wanted to capture it in some tangible way so that some memories won’t get forgotten. Making a map turned out to be just the right way to achieve that.
At first it may sound a bit complicated and abstract but in fact, the ideas wouldn’t stop flowing. Music played an important role in the process and it became a cornerstone of the whole project. The map is split into a few bigger parts with almost an hour of various music carefully picked to set up the atmosphere and emphasize the theme of each part. I know that most of us prefer our own music while playing but I encourage you to give it a try at least on your first run :p
I also want this map to be an homage to all the mappers and modders who created this environment where we could spend hours and hours of fun and collect plenty of cherished memories, some of which date all the way back to 2005. Likewise, to all the players, old and new, who have been playing fair and keeping up friendly atmosphere on the servers. It wasn’t always sunshine and roses but I think we managed to laugh off most of the dramas that arose and keep enjoying the game.

The Hall Of Fame
To make it all a bit more memorable, I want to invite you to join The Hall of Fame which will be present at the very end of the map. To join, please, send me your photo and your nickname via Discord (claay#4176) or Steam (claay). I will then save you a spot on the wall where you will be recognized by every finishing player. I know that not everyone might be comfortable with sharing his face with the world and I fully understand that – in this case, you can just send me your nickname and I will add you there. Each player will also have his flag next to his name. The deadline for your submissions is February 20th. Note: reusing your pictures from maps older than 5 years is not allowed :P
Technical info and release date
Difficulty: easy/med; comparable to jm_descend_full but more 250 fps friendly
Length: 40-60 mins; first runs might go above 1.5 hour
Secrets: Yes
The map will be released on October 31 2022 at ~20.00 CET on JH servers. Everyone is welcome to join!
A little sneak peek to give you a better idea of what you can expect.