We have another CoD2 mapping Contest for you!
Create a CoD2 jump map on a topic of your choice. The difficulty, length and story is also up to you. You can submit your map (an .iwd file with all the custom assets) via Discord to @claay (claay4176) or @IzNoGoD and we will upload them to the JH servers. You can send us even early versions of the map if you want to test it (recommended), however, only after you test it locally first.
You can use map porting tools such as Corvid, which can port the Source engine maps to CoD2, but you must let us know that you used it when you submit the map so the voters can consider this fact during voting. If you don’t, your map will be disqualified from the contest. The contest is about being original and showing YOUR ideas so I want to encourage you to keep this in mind before taking the easier path.
The deadline for your submissions is 31st of December 2023 23:59 CET. Afterwards, there will be approximately 1 week when people can play the maps and vote. Only 1 entry per participant is allowed.
The maps will be made public on 23th of December 2023. Until then they will only be available on private JH servers.
Like the last time, there will be a poll where people can rate each map in these 3 categories:
- Design: Textures, lights, music, scripts, theme choice, attention to details, and other non-jump-related stuff that gives the map its look and feel
- Jumps: variety, balance, novelty, absence of run killers, and other aspects that made the jumps enjoyable for you
- Overall impression: Which maps did you enjoy the most?
Update 7th of January 2024: 1st place – 200 EUR, 2nd – 100 EUR, 3rd – 33 EUR.
You can join even if you’ve never made a map, it’s not that hard and there is time to learn. Join our Discord server for the latest updates, help with mapping or just chat about anything.
You can vote here until 14th of January 2024 23:59 CET: https://www.survio.com/survey/d/R9F4S4C4E7Q1C2Y1VÂÂ
Happy mapping!