Create your winter-themed jump map to win cool prizes.
JumpersHeaven proudly presents the 2013 Christmas Mapping Contest. Here is information on the rules, prizes and how to join.
Create a winter-themed jump map. This means it should include elements such as snow, Christmas tree, presents, sleigh, Santa Claus etc. The difficulty, length and story is up to you.
You can submit the map in one of the following ways:
- Send it to a JH admin via our Xfire group.
- Send it by e-mail to info@JumpersHeaven.com
The deadline is 31 December 2013. The winner will be determined by core members of JumpersHeaven.
- The winner will get a personal info page at: jumpersheaven.com/yourname
- The winning level will be added to our maps collection and on our servers
The deadline for submissions is 31 December 2013 so hurry up and don’t miss your chance! Happy mapping :)